It's Never Too Late to Start Sailing

For many years we thought about learning to sail... and for many years there was always something that kept us from trying. Unlike some sports where you buy basic equipment and off you go... sailing always seemed too difficult to get started.
And that's where our story starts. Like many things in life, if you think about it too long it just never happens. One day my wife saw an offer to get our sailing licenses and two clicks later she signed us both up.
It was a total surprise and very much unplanned... but we were excited to finally jump in and try!
So off we went. Twice a week we attended the course after work and were amazed at how much technical information you need to know. But after a few weeks it all started making sense. It's pretty logical once you understand the basic principles.
This course was designed to teach the technical foundation of how the wind, the sea and changing conditions can be navigated. It also reminds us how powerful and unpredictable the sea can be and to always have great respect and care.
The course was a wonderful experience and at the end you take a several day practical class where you jump out of the books and on to a real boat with a small class.
This was really the most exciting part. You learn to see the wind, to go from point to point, to put the classroom learning into practice. And the best part... take command of the boat and feel the power of sailing.
After the practical course you will be ready to a pass the written test and get your sailing license.
And with your license in hand you can charter a boat anywhere in the world, join a sailing club and build up your experience while enjoying amazing moments with family and friends.
While it takes dedication, focus and real studies to pass the's surprisingly straightforward and logical. You just have to jump in and don't give up.
We now enjoy sailing around Mallorca, Spain. We joined a sailing club where we built up our experience. Sailing around the coast and making challenging crossings to surrounding islands.
Coastal sailing is a nice way to build up experience. We learned the most by taking long weekends dropping our anchor in quite little coves. Jumping off the side and swimming until sunset. Having our dinner outside telling stories and admiring the star filled skies.
Take that first step. Enrol in a course, stay focused and don't give up. Everything you thought sailing might be is there and so much more.
Our daughters (age 5 and 6 when we started) were there with us as we learned. We now enjoy sailing as a family and have discovered the special world of sailing together.
BTW... we were in our 40's when we took that first course! It's never too late to start...
Ready to get going?
Here are links to sailing schools and a boat charter company in Mallorca, Spain. If that's not close to home - ports around the world will have something similar.
Sailing Schools in Mallorca
- Sailing School - Calanova, Mallorca
- Escuela Náutica Ibyachting - Mallorca
- Escuela de navegación Cursos PER - Mallorca
Boat Charter Companies in Mallorca