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Food Truck Wanderlust Catering
Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Food Truck Wanderlust Catering

Hire: Open for Quotes


Somos dos viajeros incansables que quieren unir su pasión por los viajes y la gastronomía para hacer de ello su forma de vida. Queremos enseñaros esos sabores y sensaciones que en algún país nos fascinaron. Tailandia, Perú, Vietnam, Argentina, México, India... ¡en un bocado! Si queréis sorprender a vuestros invitados no dudéis en contactarnos para vuestro próximo evento o boda. We are two entrepreneurs who wish to fuse our passions: travel and gastronomy. We want to show you the flavours and sensations which we experienced along the way . We hope to make the world's culinary cultures excite you , as they did us. Thailand, Peru, Vietnam, Argentina, Mexico, India... in a bite! And, of course, it wouldn't be the same without some Spanish dishes! If you are planning a social event or wedding and would like to surprise your guests, contact us. Yes! We speak english! :)

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Food Truck Wanderlust
Posted by:  Atlantim
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